Sixteen people came out to the members barbecue at Miquelon Provincial Park to hike and socialize. The trail was barely recognizable compared to our hike there in April when there was still snow.

Sixteen people came out to the members barbecue at Miquelon Provincial Park to hike and socialize. The trail was barely recognizable compared to our hike there in April when there was still snow.

Lee led the hikers north out of the park onto the Waskahegan Trail, ending at the top of St. FX Lookout.
This section was cleared in the early days of the trail development by the students at St. Francis Xavier High School in Edmonton. They installed the engraved post at the highest point.
At the time you really could look out at the surrounding countryside. Since then, the forest has grown up around it.
A highlight of the day was looking up to see a group of pelicans circling above our heads. We also discovered gooseberries ripening and these black currant blossoms.
After the hike we had our lunch of smokies, salads, and watermelon in the park. We visiting with long time members and new members around a fine campfire.
Thanks to Anita for putting on the barbecue, to Scott for building and tending the campfire, and to Lee for scouting and leading the hike. You can see all the photos on Flickr.