
The Waskahegan Trail Association is 100% run by volunteers. Many of our volunteers are involved with trail maintenance and leading the weekly guided hikes. We also welcome assistance with the board, newsletter, publicity, this website, guidebook publication, and other activities we support, such as the Birkebeiner and River City Cleanup.

When it comes to volunteer opportunities, there is something for everyone.

Hike Leading

Our weekly guided hikes are led by our volunteer hike leaders. Before the hike day, the hike leader scouts the route (usually with another hike leader or experienced member), notes the locations that will be suitable for separation breaks (bathroom breaks), decides on the lunch spot, and notifies the trail maintenance coordinator about any conditions that need attention. Hike leaders are entitled to claim mileage for one trip per hike.

On hike day, the hike leader arrives early at the trailhead to greet and sign in the hikers and ensure that non-members sign waivers. The hike leader gets the group in a circle so that we can all introduce ourselves by name, provides general information about the hike, and then leads everyone onto the trail. Getting ready

On the trail, the hike leader looks after the group’s well-being. The leader sets the pace, stopping for breaks as needed or requested, and stopping for lunch at the designated spot.  If the group is large (ten or more), the leader appoints a “tail-ender”, who stays at the back of the group and ensures that nobody gets left behind.

Are you interested in leading a hike? Then please email us at hikes@waskahegantrail.ca .

Trail Maintenance

Would you like to maintain or improve your fitness levels and get more purpose out of your day? Find out about trail maintenance.

Board Positions and Administrative Help

Ready to give back to the community of trail enthusiasts? Interested in sharing your skills, or learning new ones in a friendly and supportive environment? You can join the board!

The officer positions include President, Vice-President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Secretary.

Besides the officer positions, there are many other jobs for directors. These include:

  • Archivist
  • Permissions (landowner relations)
  • Newsletter
  • Trail Maintenance Coordinator
  • Hike Coordinator
  • Publicity
  • Social Convener
  • Website
  • Directors at Large

Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting in April, but the board can bring in more directors at any time. If being on a board appeals to you, or you are just curious, let us know.

Documents and forms used by volunteers are located here.