Twelve people came out to Coal Lake to hike from Kjorlein Corner to the point marked as the pumping station. It’s simply an open but shaded area that overlooks the lake, and the pumping station for the Wetaskiwin Water Treatment Plant happens to be there.
It was one of our warmest days of the year, and there have been many this summer. On this day, the atmosphere was hazy from smoke blowing in from fires. Lake scenes seem to be one of those settings that can be enhanced with haze.
We were happy to see a complete lack of mosquitoes, and surprisingly, no wasps. Berries are abundant now—chokecherries, highbush cranberries, hazelnuts ripening, and even a black currant.
Thanks to Lee for scouting and leading the hike, to Trail Maintenance for clearing the trail, and to the landowners for their continuing permission. You can find more photos on Flickr.