Sunday’s weather was lovely and warm, which only added to the enjoyment of the seven hikers who clambered along the Bigstone Creek.
This trail offers some of the most picturesque scenery anywhere on the Waskahegan Trail. As it has the most rope-assisted uphill segments, it also qualifies as one of the most challenging trail sections. The efforts to maintain these parts—which are intensive—were all done by Brad. Accordingly, we noted and appreciated this work, as we really needed all the assistance we could get, especially with each successive climb!
At the end of the hike, while we cooled down from the heat of the trip, the landowner Mrs. Lucas gave an intriguing and educational talk about the origins of the fort and her husband’s family’s involvement with it. What a pleasure it was to learn about the fort first-hand from people related to the original family.

Thanks to John for scouting and leading the hike, to Trail Maintenance for clearing the trail, and to all the landowners of this trail section for their continuing permission. You can find more photos on Flickr.