Trail Clearing: West Battle River (A57 to Schnee Hill, via A58)

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Board Meeting – August 2024

Zoom Web Meeting

Members are always welcome to attend our board meetings. Find out what’s going on behind the scenes as we talk about and plan our trail maintenance, hiking events, and everything else we do to help our members get the most of their involvement and to keep our the trail and the association thriving. If you ... Read more

Hastings Lake (A97 to A95) and Allen Nature Trail

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

A wonderful full hike will go through a combination of forest & farmland, with lunch at the historic St. Margaret's Church on the edge of Hastings Lake. At the church we'll meet up with those looking for the shorter hike and follow the Allen Nature Trail (thanks Jeff & Marja). The pictures from June 5th, ... Read more

West Battle River (A57 to Schnee Hill)

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

A wonderful section of the trail along Battle River, going east from Gwynne.  It has a little bit of everything, including passing by what used to be the historic Low’s Crossing (well historic from a WTA perspective). Checkout Gene Miskiw’s “The Battle Bridge Story” with loads of pictures he’s shared with us at the AGM ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Ministik Berg Nature Conservancy (A88-A89a)

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Middle Battle River (Duhamel Campground to Fidler’s Monument)

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

The hike is a 10 km round trip, is along forest paths and across open fields with views of the glorious Battle River Valley. This huge valley was created in a matter of days towards the end of the last ice age, when an ice-bound lake covering the entire Edmonton area suddenly broke free. Bring ... Read more

Ministik Berg & Nature Conservancy Trails

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

The hike is through the Ministik Bird Sanctuary and a bit beyond, much of which is the 'Ball Berg' section that was donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada by the Ball family. This is of course a good chance to see birds, including waterfowl, as well as beaver. A small camera with a zoom ... Read more

Trail Clearing: North Miquelon A85 (Park Office) – A86 (Former Store)

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Miquelon Provincial Park

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

Miquelon Provincial Park has hiking and skiing trails. On this hike, Irene is going to take us on an exploration of one of her favourite public trails.. The pictures from June 25th, 2023. We will meet at the north end of the parking lot of the Miquelon Provincial Park office at 9:45 for a 10:00 start. ... Read more