Fort Ethier to Bigstone Creek – Cancelled

Unfortunately we had to cancel this Sunday’s hike (Fort Ethier to Bigstone Creek, September 16th).

It is one of our more challenging hikes due to the change in terrain, but also a very scenic one as we follow the creek.

So with the rain/snow John checked the trail Saturday morning and determining it was too wet and slick.  He couldn’t make it up the first hill, even with the ropes, and that wasn’t even the toughest hill.

Hope to reschedule when it warms and dries up.

Annual Members Barbecue

Twenty people came out to the Annual Members Barbecue.

For most of the members, the morning started with a hike on the Mix trail that runs past Mix Stopover. Along the way, a salamander was spotted.

After the hike, everyone joined up at the Sparrow’s Nest picnic shelter in the Lions Campground outside Leduc for a barbecue lunch.

A big round of thanks to Anita, who organized the barbecue, and to her able helpers. And a special call-out to Brad, who made the best and biggest fire ever!

There are many more photos on Flickr.