Pipestone Creek, East Section

Ten enthusiastic hikers turned out on this misty, rainy day in late August.

Rain or shine, this hike is a collage of striking views and challenging trails.

And the nine ladies were kind and supportive of the one guy on the hike…waving to John when asked!! 

Thanks to everyone who came out to hike, to Trail Maintenance for their work in clearing the trail, and to the landowners on whom we are so grateful for their permission.

Ross Creek Hike

Six hikers came out for a wonderful blue-sky, 9 km hike along a dried-up Ross Creek.

The drought was very much at work here as you can see by the diminished size of Walker’s Pond.

A great surprise we came upon while scouting, then later hiking, was the wide, recently-mulched section of trail. It was done by the new owners of Walker’s land.

This trail section went on for about 2 km.

We had a relaxed and somewhat longer-than-usual lunch on a hill past the gas well. The conversation was scintillating, with everything covered from genetic engineering to the opioid crisis to the politics of the day. Good fun, enjoyable and a wonderful time.

Thanks to everyone who came out to hike, to the new landowners who made the mulched trail, and to the trail maintenance work party for maintaining the rest of the Ross Creek trail. You can find more photos on Flickr