Waskahegan Family Members Find Adventure on East Battle River

The guided hike last Sunday was at East Battle River and Rest and Be Thankful Hill, following the first Trail Maintenance of the season.

Just one day before the hike, Waskahegan member Ryan Mannear took advantage of the newly-cleared trail with his son.

Ryan reported back as follows:

Hey Guys,

I just hiked that section from highway 21 to Rest Hill.  My son and I just had to walk the ditch past the water and pop in on the north end of the valley 🙂
Saw 2 snakes, 8 Deer and a muskrat 🙂

Photo by Ryan Mannear

And this guy

Photo by Ryan Mannear

What a great a memory this will be for father and son Mannear. Thanks, Ryan for passing on these photos.

Walking St. Albert trails along the Sturgeon River

Sixteen of us, including two new WTA members from Meetup, enjoyed a lovely day walking the paved trails along both sides of the Sturgeon River. It was a pleasure not to have to worry about snow, ice or mud underfoot. The city of St. Albert has allowed public trails with benches and some natural areas alongside the river to coexist with tasteful development nearby. Here are a few pictures from along our route.