Trail Clearing at North Hastings Lake

After two cancellations earlier in the week due to the bad air quality, five of us were finally able to proceed with trail maintenance just one day before the hike was to take place. Indeed, we were into it for just an hour when we noticed the wildfire smoke that had persisted all week was already clearing away.

Twice on the trail we encountered wasp nests in the woodpiles, and some of us were stung. When it happened the second time, we decided to reroute the trail through an easy clearing to avoid the nest.

The day ended on a high note with tea, pastries and conversation with the Allens. They led us to their favourite part of the beach on North Hastings Lake, also known as Allen Cove. Standing on the beach we observed pelicans soaring above. JoAnne took home an armload of cattails that Mrs. Allen had cut down earlier in the day.

Many thanks to the Allens for their gracious hospitality.

You can find more photos on Flickr.

Our first video: How to Move a Stile

Two weeks ago,  a small work party went out to the Hastings Lake area to move a stile from one part of the fence to another.

Stiles are critical in making the trail accessible, so we thought it was high time we documented our technique for installing them.

We recorded the work party take out the old stile and put up the new stile.

Be sure to turn up the sound. And if you have any comments or questions, let us know in the Comments section!