Six people came out to hike the trail from the Water Treatment Plant to the dam at the south end of Coal Lake. Most of the trail along this section passes through chokecherry bushes, which are just starting to ripen.
When we arrived at the bridge over Pipestone creek, swallows swirled above and around our heads. These are probably mud swallows because they make their home in the banks of creeks. And when we were at the dam, we looked back at the lake in time to see pelicans taking off.

There are three kinds of pale purple flowers on this trail.

We lingered at the dam for awhile, and then returned via the road, which shortened the trail by 1.5 km.
Thanks to Lee S. for scouting and leading the hike, to trail maintenance for their good work on clearing the trail, the landowners for their continuing permission, and the City of Wetaskiwin for the beautiful upkeep of the dam area. You can find more photos on Flickr.