Landowner Rights & Trail User Responsibilities

The Waskahegan Trail is a unique resource that exists only because of the generosity of landowners. Before you set foot on the trail:

  1. Know the landowner rights and the trail user responsibilities.
  2. Check the trail conditions

North Coal Lake and Source of the Blackmud

Fifteen people came out on a sunny day to hike the section of trail that runs from the boat launch of north Coal Lake, past the “source of the Blackmud”, to the high point at the start of the Cloverlawn section.

The source of the Blackmud is the geological divide where water collected on the north side of it drains into Blackmud Creek and water on the south side drains into the Battle River. Eventually, both streams flow into the North Saskatchewan River…which flows into Hudson Bay.

Can you see the divide? We haven’t, but we do walk over it. Maybe it’s around one of the fence lines.

On the lake north of the boat launch, we saw many birds that look like black-headed gulls. Flowers on the trail included harebells, fleabane, penstemon, cinquefoil, coltsfoot, as well as wild roses, wild strawberries, and wild licorice.

Thanks to Lee for scouting and leading the hike and to trail maintenance for their fine work in clearing the trail. You can see all the photos on Flickr.

Where we’re going next.

Wanisan to Meadow Shelter Hike

Fifteen people came out in very fine weather to hike the Wanisan sections of the trail into the Blackfoot Recreation Area.

On the first part of the Wanisan section, we stopped at our Wanisan Stopover for a short break. Then it was on to the boardwalks that edge up against the beaver dams.

The elegant water calla was in bloom, but the flowers weren’t as remarkable as previous years. However the wild pea vine blossoms were large and abundant. Perhaps this is a reflection of the cool temperatures we’ve had until now.

Once we reached the park, we walked a loop starting and ending at Meadow Shelter. After lunch, we took a different path back to the gates and then the trail head. As we walked past the ponds, we watched the terns swooping back and forth above our heads.

Thanks to Johanna for leading the hike, to trail maintenance for maintaining the trail, and to the staff at Blackfoot Recreation Area for their attention and care of the park and its visitors. You can see all the photos on our Flickr album.

Where we’re going next.