Thirteen people came out to hike the trail north from the Miquelon Park office onto the Waskahegan sections. It was another fine summer day, made even more amenable for walking now that the wasps have largely disappeared.

The leaves are definitely turning colour.
Our final destination was the new pond, formed by the merging of two ponds, thanks to the beavers. Until recently, the Waskahegan Trail ran between the two ponds. Now the trail is submerged and we have rerouted. The reroute offers an excellent picnic spot with some downed trees for seating at the edge of the water.

Thanks to Lee for scouting and leading the hike and to Trail Maintenance for going above and beyond in getting the trail ready when the weather was exceedingly warm. Thanks also to the landowners for their continuing support. You can find all the photos on Flickr,