Landowner Rights & Trail User Responsibilities

The Waskahegan Trail is a unique resource that exists only because of the generosity of landowners. Before you set foot on the trail:

  1. Know the landowner rights and the trail user responsibilities.
  2. Check the trail conditions

Maintenance: Hastings Lake

Repairing trail markers on the Allen Nature Trail

This Wednesday June 22 we worked on a section of Hastings Lake A97 to A95 & Allen Nature Trail – A successful trip for the 8 of us done in less than 3 hours, partly because it is a shorter hike and there is some road.

We had the predator brush cutter out for the first time this season and it was marvelous even in the damp grass and brush (Geoff F. had replaced the battery).

We replaced a board and added some shingles to boardwalks, added support to a post of a stile as well as the regular trail clearing of mowing, chain sawing, clipping, signing and clearing debris.

It was great to be done earlier with such humidity and too many mosquitoes!

We ended with lunch at St. Margaret’s church.

Lunch on the lawn at St. Margaret's church

Maintaining Battle River trail

Maintenance crew (1)

We were out with the new trailer for the first time on June 15th, finishing the work started June 8th on the Battle River section from A62 to A61. Most of the trail clearing was done June 8th except for some mowing as you can see in this picture. We built and fixed many boardwalks. More pictures on the Waskahegan Photo Gallery.

boardwalk stained A61 John on the mower