Landowner Rights & Trail User Responsibilities

The Waskahegan Trail is a unique resource that exists only because of the generosity of landowners. Before you set foot on the trail:

  1. Know the landowner rights and the trail user responsibilities.
  2. Check the trail conditions

Pipestone Creek Spectacular

Twenty hikers came out to hike Pipestone Creek westward from the sod farm to the slope just before the bridge.  It was a perfect day in many ways…not too hot, not overgrown, free of mosquitoes, challenging enough but not difficult, and very green. For views and natural experiences, it was spectacular.

Within minutes on the trail, we spotted a porcupine in deep slumber. The dozing creature was lightly shielded by foliage just feet away from the trail.

Later on the road between trail segments, we watched a very brown snowshoe hare run past us in the woods along the side.

We identified some distinctive violets—the crowfoot and the northern bog. There were also bluets (Houstonia). Although these tiny-flowered patches range wide in parkland areas, they are not commonly seen.

Thanks to John for leading the hike, to Lee for scouting it, to trail maintenance for maintaining and improving the trail, and to the landowners for their continuing generous permission. You can see all the photos on our Flickr album.

Where we’re going next.

Miquelon Park Hike and Social

Twenty-seven members came out to Miquelon Provincial Park for our spring social and hike. For our comfort in the cool of the morning, Scott and Irene had arrived an hour early to bring wood and establish the campfire. With Scott’s skillful tending, the fire offered a cozy start to a pleasant day.

We set out on our hike towards Ericson’s Culvert. Only a few people stayed behind plus a few others went on the St. FX Lookout.

Along the way and still within the park, we spotted morel mushrooms at the side of the path.

Leaving the park, we hiked as far as the first “island” in this land that had once been under water. Some of the group continued on and the rest of us turned back with our growing appetites.

The afternoon was taken up with food and conversation among old friends and new ones.

Thanks to Anita for providing the food, to Lee for the hike, and to Scott for the campfire. You can find all the photos on Flickr.

Where we’re going next.