Landowner Rights & Trail User Responsibilities

The Waskahegan Trail is a unique resource that exists only because of the generosity of landowners. Before you set foot on the trail:

  1. Know the landowner rights and the trail user responsibilities.
  2. Check the trail conditions

Saunders Lake Hike

The Saunders Lake trail is one of our traditional outings for bird watching. This year, 17 people came out on a warm sunny day to hike the south end.
It was noted that the eagles have returned again to nest across the lake. But hatchlings are not the only young ones. Here, the calves have gathered together and are watched over by a few cows.

Thanks to Stella for organizing this hike. You can see more photos on Flickr.

Miquelon Trails in May

Twenty people came out to hike the trails of Miquelon Park on this Victoria Day long weekend Sunday.

The terrain here is “knob and kettle”, a complex array of mounds and depressions resulting from the melting glacier of 10 thousand years ago. The result is a picturesque mix of forests, slopes, channels and ponds and a new view at every turn.

We saw a patch of morel mushrooms emerging along a path. We also saw early blue violets, the white Canada violet, saskatoon blossoms, and the rare wild clematis. Thanks to Alison, we identified the sound of an ovenbird.

Thanks to Irene and Scott for leading the hike. You can find more pictures on Flickr.