June 16, 2019
Thanks to Jerry Shaw for identifying these specimens on this hike
- red osier dogwood
- buffalo berry
- saskatoon berry
- pincherry
- chokecherry
- alberta rose
- gooseberry
- highbush cranberry
- honeysuckle-twinning
- bracted honeysuckle
- snowberry
- bog cranberry
- false Solomonseal
- fairybells
- lily of the valley
- blue-eyed grass
- Canada anemone
- buttercups
- baneberry
- columbine
- meadow rue (3 species)
- strawberry (2 species)
- agrimony
- white violet
- blue violet
- cow parsnip
- snakeroot
- hemlock
- wintergreen
- mint
- pussytoes
- coltsfoot
- sasparilla
- bunchberry
- bedstraw (3 species)
- tall lungwort
- common plantain
- mouse-eared chickweed
- twin flower