North Miquelon – A86 (Former Store) to A85 (Miquelon Park) (10:30 Start)
May 11 @ 10:30 am – 3:00 pm MDT
For the past few years there has been a ‘Mother’s Day Breakfast’ at the Spilstead Community Hall (20502 Township Road 502, corner of Township Road 502/Range Road 205).
We will check to see if they will have a Mother’s Day Breakfast again in 2025, if so we can meet at the community hall for breakfast. If there is no ‘Mother’s Day Breakfast’ at the Spilstead Community Hall, we’ll still meet at the community hall parking at 9:45 with a 10:00 start.
Those just want to hike can meet us in the parking lot at the Spilstead Community Hall at 10:30. There is limited parking along Township Road 500, so to minimize the number of vehicles near the trailhead we’ll carpool from the community hall parking lot the ~3km to the trailhead.
We’ll start at the former store along Twp Rd 500 (A86), initially going past a new pond that cut through our trail, then on to St. FX Lookout, Erickson’s Curvert and into Miquelon Provincial Park where we’ll stop for lunch at one of the campsites.. Pictures from September 22nd, 2024.
If you are new to WTA hikes, then you should visit the Guided Hikes webpage for essential information. For further information specific to this hike, refer to The Waskahegan Trail Guide Book, pages 70-71, or contact the Hike Leader, Helen W., at 780-884-3097
Here are the stories of previous hikes: