Across the Board

Getting our feet wet at White Earth

Behind (or beyond?) the Waskahegan Trail, there is a board of volunteers who organize and direct the Association’s activities.

As all board positions are limited to four years at a time, there will be opportunities opening up for new volunteers when we have our Annual General Meeting in April 2018.

Starting this month, we’ll visit the open board positions to see what’s involved and why they matter. These positions are:

  1. Membership Secretary
  2. Trail Maintenance Coordinator
  3. Hike Coordinator
  4. Permissions
  5. Social Convener
  6. Director at Large

In the meantime, why not come to the next board meeting? You’ll leave with a good idea of what we do, and you may even find it enlightening. The meeting will be at Jerry Shaw’s house in the Allendale neighborhood in south Edmonton. RSVP to JoAnne (780-487-0645 or See the website for more details.

Shirley Lake Trail Hike

On Sunday, 17 people took in the Shirley Lake Trail at Elk Island National Park. As one guest commented, “Nice people and the view was gorgeous.”

Many thanks to Charles for providing photos. You can see them all on Flickr.

Shirley Lake Trail