The guided hike last Sunday was at East Battle River and Rest and Be Thankful Hill, following the first Trail Maintenance of the season.
Just one day before the hike, Waskahegan member Ryan Mannear took advantage of the newly-cleared trail with his son.
Ryan reported back as follows:
Hey Guys,
I just hiked that section from highway 21 to Rest Hill.  My son and I just had to walk the ditch past the water and pop in on the north end of the valley 🙂
Saw 2 snakes, 8 Deer and a muskrat 🙂
Photo by Ryan Mannear
And this guy
Photo by Ryan Mannear
What a great a memory this will be for father and son Mannear. Thanks, Ryan for passing on these photos.
You are invited to attend, socialize, and elect new board members at the
7:00 p.m., Friday, April 6, 2017 Central Lions Recreation Centre 11113 – 113 Street NW, Edmonton
Business and elections will be followed by a presentation
Photographing the Whitemud Nature Reserve
Wayne Oakes, Nature Photographer
Wayne Oakes is one of our region’s true enthusiasts of natural areas. Having grown up in the woods of Nova Scotia and then serving 33 years in the RCMP—where he developed and honed his superior photography skills—it was only natural that upon his retirement he would return to nature with camera in hand. But beyond taking pictures, he also observes and studies the habits of the fascinating animals, birds, plants, and more.
The Whitemud Ravine Nature Reserve (North) has been Wayne’s focus over the past two years. He will share with us some of his images that illustrate the beautiful and majestic…the big and small…and the odd and unusual. He will also show us some of his gear—both typical and unusual—that he uses to enhance his visits in the woods.