Annual General Meeting 2017

You are invited to attend, socialize, and elect new board members at the


7:00 p.m., Friday, April 7, 2017
Central Lions Recreation Centre
11113 – 113 Street NW, Edmonton

Directions and map. Enter through the south doors.

Business and elections will be followed by

Memories and Reflections

Not many of us know anything about the trail beyond the stories in the guidebook, and few of us have any sense of what it was like in the past. Enjoy this rare opportunity to hear from a panel of long time (and legendary) members will fill us in on the earlier days of the trail and the men and women volunteers who made it what it is today.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Winter Hike from Blackfoot Staging Area

Blackfoot Staging Area hikersTwenty people from Edmonton, Camrose, and places in between came out for Sunday’s hike. Starting at the Blackfoot Staging Area day use site, Irene led us on a 10km portion of the trails in this vast environmental and recreational treasure.

And as he had promised, Scotty got a fire going for our lunch.

And as usual, there was lots of great conversation and camaraderie.

Since the weather had warmed up these last two weeks, we made good use of our grips on the icy patches. We’re hoping the snow cover hangs on here for a successful Birkebeiner, which will be taking place in this park in just two weeks.Blackfoot Staging Area

Visit our Flickr album for the Blackfoot Staging Area pictures.
2017-01-29 Hike: Blackfoot Staging Area