What does the Trail Maintenance Coordinator do?

If you look at the calendar on our website and you’ll see that we’re all about two things–hiking and trail maintenance.

In our brochure you’ll also find trail maintenance. It has equal billing with guided hikes, but it wasn’t always this way.

For decades, Trail Maintenance was a closed shop. The trail was divided among four crews, who looked after their sections for the whole of the season. The crews managed their own schedules and brought in volunteers as needed.

That worked fine until key crew members started retiring. For a few years, trail maintenance coordination struggled to find a way to keep the system going. Finally, after some “wandering in the wilderness”, the board was thrilled to be joined by Karen Bell and her big-picture way of thinking.

Karen changed our approach to trail maintenance by making it an activity that is open to any person who wants to participate—no commitment required and no person ignored.

As a result, our work parties attract many volunteers ranging from very new to very experienced. Many people make it a regular part of their week, which is mostly on Wednesdays. And in between work parties, the volunteers are maintaining mowers, building stiles, and sharpening tools in the comfort of our rented garage/workshop in Edmonton’s Ritchie neighborhood.

Duties of the Trail Maintenance Coordinator

  • Before the season starts, work with the Hike Coordinator to create a work schedule based on the hike schedule.
  • Be a contact for Workers Compensation, reporting the hours at the beginning and end of the season.
  • During the season,
    • Maintain the trail maintenance schedule and keep volunteers informed.
    • Notify landowners as per the Trail Maintenance manual, and liaison as necessary for issues and changes such as re-routes.
    • Coordinate equipment maintenance and purchases with volunteers and get board approval for large purchases.
    • Coordinate work parties: plan equipment and tasks for volunteers, arrange for orientation on safety and trail standards.
    • Work with the Permissions committee on landowner and trail changes.
  • At the end of the season, review the current year’s costs and prepare an estimate for the next year’s Trail Maintenance budget. Sum up the season at the AGM.
  • Report to board meetings

About the Board

The board meets on the third Thursday of most months via Zoom. Why not visit the next board meeting?

If you have any questions about the duties of the Trail Maintenance Coordinator, John Scotvold will be happy to talk to you.

Read about other board positions:

Hike Coordinator
Permissions Director
Membership Secretary
Introduction to Board Postions

What does the Hike Coordinator do?

Organized hiking is fun

When asked for advice to volunteers at our 50th Anniversary AGM, Oscar Zawalsky gave us this:

“Find a hike you like and make it your own.”

Several Waskahegan members do exactly that.

Some have a few favourites they lead every year. And some like the challenge of scouting new hikes every season.

Both types make great hike leaders—and that’s good news for the hike coordinator. The hike coordinator works with the hike leaders to put together the guided hike schedule for the season. Hike leaders contribute by suggesting hikes they want to do.

There are some hikes we try to do at certain times of the year…like kicking off the summer season at East Battle River to see the prairie crocuses in bloom…Stoney Creek in mid July for a chance to see cactus in bloom…and Irene’s hike at Miquelon Provincial Park in the first week in December.

The rest of the schedule is filled in based on past seasons and our collective experiences. (We learned the hard way that the trail westward to Schnee Hill should be hiked only AFTER the crops are taken off, and not in mid-summer.)

The hike schedule lets the email subscribers know who are wondering where we’re hiking on Sunday. It lets the landowners know ahead of time when we will be visiting their trails. And it guides the activities of the Trail Maintenance volunteers.

Duties of the Hike Coordinator

Twice a year

  • Gather the hike leaders and organize the schedule for the next six months, due in March and October
  • Publish the schedule for the landowners and Trail Maintenance
  • Work with the Web Administrator to post the hike events on the website’s calendar.

During the year

  • Be the point of contact for hike leaders and interested public
  • Provide communications to hike leaders
  • Receive the hike signup sheets and collect statistics
  • Attend monthly board meetings

At year-end, prepare a report of hike statistics and announce the winner of the Order of the Laces at the AGM.

About the Board

The board meets on the third Thursday of most months via Zoom. Why not visit the next board meeting?

If you have any questions about the duties of the Permissions Director, acting Hike Coordinator Lee Stickles will be happy to talk to you.

Read about other board positions:

Permissions Director
Trail Maintenance Coordinator
Membership Secretary
Introduction to Board Postions