Middle Coal Lake Hike

Eleven people came out to hike scenic Coal Lake from the road allowance southward to Kjorlein Corner. It was a straight-through hike, which meant that there was no looping back. Every corner turned was a new experience.

We saw a lot of pelicans along the way, including this small flock.

It’s not often butterflies will stay put long enough for you to observe them closely. However, this one may have been reaching end of life. We confirmed that it’s a Fritillary, based on the silver spots on the underside of its wings.

On most visits, our lunch stop is at Point Cooperation, a grass-covered outcrop overlooking the lake. But today it was very windy, and so we sought shelter in the woods alongside the trail.

Thanks to Johanna for leading the hike, to Trail Maintenance for clearing the trail (on one of the hottest days this summer), and to the landowners for their continued permission for the trail. You can see all the photos on Flickr.

Where we’re going next.

Miquelon Provincial Park Hike

This is hike we usually do in winter when everything is blanketed in snow. So, we were intrigued about experiencing this hike at the start of summer. There were ten people who came out. The weather was pleasant and warm.

Here are two of the creatures we saw, a Canada toad and a Northern Crescent butterfly.

Thanks to Irene for leading the hike and to the provincial Parks Department for keeping the park safe and enjoyable all year round.

You can see all the photos on Flickr.

Where we’re hiking next.