Patricia Heights Ravine to Alfred Savage Centre

After the heavy snowfall, it was a pleasure to be outside again.

The snow provided just enough cover to bury the ice in most places.

We stopped for lunch in the Alfred Savage Centre, where every seat is in front of a sunny window.

We love how Edmontonians display their creativity and thoughtfulness.

This trail is famous for the stairs that take you out of the river valley.

You’ll find more photos on Flickr.

Midwinter Whitemud Creek

Although the days are short and cold in Alberta’s midwinter, the clear skies and fresh snow can offer up brilliant daytime scenery to invigorate the senses.

Our hike in Whitemud Creek between Snow Valley and John Janzen Nature Centre gave us just that.

Whitemud Creek

snow fence Whitemud CreekA thick layer of snow had fallen just two days before, burying once and for all the ice that we had been struggling on for weeks.

The crisp temperature kept the snow white and firm, making it the perfect backdrop to display long sharp shadows, a feature of our northerly location.

On the path, we ran into a person who pointed us to a pair of owls nesting in a hollow in the tree above us. That’s right!—a nest of eggs in January. Just above our heads.

Birdhouse Whitemud Creek
Birdhouse on the ground?

Whitemud Creek

Total hike including the loop around Fort Edmonton was 11 km. You can see more pictures on Flickr.
Whitemud Creek bridge