Pipestone Creek West Hike

From early in the morning, the weather was cold and drizzly. The forecast called for continuing light rain most of the day. As the hike leader’s car tore down the highway to the trail head, the occupants were making plans on which trails they would scout instead. Because surely, nobody was going to come out on a day like this.

Oh ho! The intrepid hikers sure showed them. Eighteen people came out, proving once again that we are not fair-weather hikers. Indeed, we noted that we would rather hike this particular section of trail on a cool day like this over a hot day in summer.

The landscape is quickly turning green, but the growth is not too lush yet. Another perfect hiking feature.

This trail section has always been treasured for its richness in flowers. So we should not have been too surprised to see the richness in spring. There were early blue violets everywhere, along with a variety of other early spring flowers and blossoms.

Thanks to Lee for leading the hike and to the landowners for their continuing permission. You can see all the photos on our Flickr album.

Where we’re going next.

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