Swans arrive at Ministik

Sixteen hikers came out to hike the Ministik Bird Sanctuary to Horseshoe Lake. The weather was cool in the morning, warming in the afternoon. It stayed overcast the whole day, which made the hike very comfortable.

When we got to Knull Lake, we saw a pair of trumpeter swans on the water. The birds floated nonchalantly while we all hovered on the shore to get a good close-up.

Farther down on Horseshoe Lake, we saw another pair of swans. And then at one point, we saw three swans, two in the water and one in the air.

The first harbingers of spring were the early blue violets and a large Admiral butterfly.

Early blue violets among the strawberries
Admiral butterly

On the return, we took the path through the muskeg area, stepping lightly while admiring the thick mosses.

Thanks to Helen for scouting and leading the hike and to the University of Alberta for their stewardship of the bird sanctuary. You can see all the photos on Flickr.

Where we’re going next.

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