Twenty people came out to the Cloverlawn hike. The trail has a long list of landmark sights: the north end of Coal Lake, the beginning of Blackmud Creek, two lovely ravines with wooden boardwalks at the bottom, fields, a horse pasture, a pet cemetery, a climb up to the tableland to Stan’s Bench, and many, many stiles.
On one side of the hill is a pasture, on the other side a stubble field.

This hike is a favourite all through the hiking season, but only at this time of year can you see the prairie crocuses at Stan’s Bench.
The landowner’s horses posed for us.

Lunch was on a slope overlooking Mud Lake.
Thanks to Johanna for scouting and leading the hike, and to the landowners for their continuing permission to let us hike through. You can see all the photos on Flickr.