Fifteen people came out to hike the Middle Coal Lake section to Point Cooperation. The Point is a distinctive grassy knob that affords wide views of the lake in each direction.

While we lunched there, the pelicans flew back and forth over our heads, sometimes rather low. If we were quicker with our cameras, we could have got many good shots. Another special sight was this adult loon with a flock of chicks. This shot was magnified many times, but you can tell it’s a loon because of the shape of the adult’s head.

The weather was a little drizzly the first part of the day, but what a treat for us after the heat wave. The other great treat was the saskatoons which are just starting to ripen—two weeks early!
Thanks to Johanna for scouting and leading the hike and to the Trail Maintenance work party of three crews who clear the trail. You can find more photos on Flickr.