Up and Down We Worked the Battle River Trails

Three crews went out to work the Battle River trails. Four people went to the end of East Battle from RR 210 to the end of the tableland we chained, clipped, signed and carted wood from a stile we dismantled and redistributed it over wet areas.

We even stopped to smell the crocuses and have lunch!

Adding a boardwalk on the Waskahegan Trail
Two crew met with a nearby landowner and built a new boardwalk near A60.

Three others went from A56 to A57 Battle Gwynee going  one way chaining, signing, clipping, mending stiles and repurposing some old lumber making a bridge over a little creek in the valley between two hills.

A well deserved break; Coffee was in Camrose.

Crews Working the Trail Begins

Yesterday we had three groups working three different areas for an ambitious start for the season. We went in from the middle of Saunders Lake to the south end of Hwy 623 where the hike will begin on Saturday. Some stiles were fixed, a few logs chained and clipping a signing updated.

Others went from A38 RR235 climbing up to Stan’s bench with gorgeous valley views, chaining, weed eating, clipping, signing and fixing stiles through to A39 at Twp 484. At 484 another crew went in 2km and built a boardwalk over a muddy trickle of the Blackmud creek and cleared to the beginning of Coal Lake.

Well done people!