Landowner Rights & Trail User Responsibilities

The Waskahegan Trail is a unique resource that exists only because of the generosity of landowners. Before you set foot on the trail:

  1. Know the landowner rights and the trail user responsibilities.
  2. Check the trail conditions

Prairie Crocus

Prairie Crocus (Anemone patens) blooms so early in the grasslands that snow may still be on the ground.

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Don’t be surprised to see small insects (pollinators) within the flowers because the temperature in the flowers is often 10°C higher than in the surrounding air.  The sun’s rays bounce inward from the white cupping petals to heat the yellow stamens.

The flowers are Nature’s original solar panels.


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The self-planting seeds of the early blooming Crocus are also part of Nature’s design, allowing rapid penetration through the grasses to the soil and germination when moisture is adequate, thus escaping competition from the grasses when they start to grow.  If moisture is inadequate, the seeds will wait another year to germinate. The Prairie grassland ecosystem has other adaptations for survival of its species. The Crocus ranges throughout the whole system and beyond on sandy soils.


Hiking Source of the Blackmud

Last Sunday’s hike is definite proof that you should never, ever, hold out for “better weather on another day,” when you can hike the “Source of the Blackmud” in the middle of May.

Emerging sage

For if you did postpone, you would miss the cool fresh air on your face…the excitement of swallows shooting in and out of nest boxes…and the dazzle of emerging green foliage, early blue violets, and yellow buttercups.



Twelve hardy people participated in the hike. It was a pleasant day out for all of us.

Lunch was spent on a lovely hill overlooking the north end of North Coal Lake.