Hike Schedule Plans

Winter 2024-2025

Updated August 29, 2024

Winter is soon approaching so Lee had the following thoughts for the mid-November to mid-April hike schedule. 

If you would like to lead any of these hikes or would like to lead an alternate hike please let Lee know at hikes@waskahegantrail.ca.

November/December 2024

January/February 2025

March/April 2025

The winter hikes are every other Sunday on public trails, typically closer to Edmonton. We’ll meet at the trailhead at 10:15 with the hike starting at 10:30.

Summer 2025

The 2025 summer season hikes will start at the end of April. We’ll have a hike committee meeting on March 9, 2025. For hike & trail maintenance planning purposes a similar tentative schedule is in the calendar entry for the meeting, so if you would like to lead any of these hikes next summer or would like to lead an alternate hike please let Lee know.