Trail Clearing: 4th Annual Maintenance Weiner Roast at Hughston Stopover

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( or John S. ( so they can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The ... Read more

Board Meeting – October 2023

Zoom Web Meeting

Members are always welcome to attend our board meetings. Find out what’s going on behind the scenes as we talk about and plan our trail maintenance, hiking events, and everything else we do to help our members get the most of their involvement and to keep our the trail and the association thriving. If you ... Read more

East Battle River (Duhamel) to Rest & Be Thankful Hill

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

Traditionally this was our first out of town hike of the season & a glorious way to start spring ... and for the past few years we've also added it to our fall schedule, providing another chance at an out of town hike before winter hits. The hike follows the Battle River east towards Stoney ... Read more

Wanisan Stopover Hike and Social (Members Only)

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

The Wanisan Lake Hike and Social celebrates the end of the summer season with a hike and social at the Wanisan Stopover. The hike will be around 6 km along the edge of the lake and into the Blackfoot Recreation Area, following the Yellow route. If there is no snow or ice, we may do ... Read more

Miquelon Provincial Park

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

Miquelon Provincial Park has hiking and skiing trails that we rarely get around to visiting. On this hike, Irene is going to take us on an exploration of one of her favourite public trails. And we'll never know what the weather will bring us in mid-November, the pictures from December 4th, 2022We will meet at ... Read more

Board Meeting – November 2023

Zoom Web Meeting

Members are always welcome to attend our board meetings. Find out what’s going on behind the scenes as we talk about and plan our trail maintenance, hiking events, and everything else we do to help our members get the most of their involvement and to keep our the trail and the association thriving. If you ... Read more

Kennedale Ravine towards Rundle Park

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

This week's hike will be on the North Saskatchewan River Valley parks in northeast Edmonton, starting at the Kennedale Ravine and going towards Rundle Park. Pictures from November 20th, 2022.We'll meet at the Hermitage Road Shopping Centre 10:15 a.m. and the hike will leave the parking lot by at 10:30. Participants should check the website ... Read more

Battery Creek Trails (+ Devon Golf Course River Loop)

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

This is a new part of the River Valley Alliance trail system that will eventually connect Devon to Fort Saskatchewan - Devon's new article. The River Valley Alliance web site provides a good overview of the trail Battery Creek Trail. The hike will be ~9km. We'll start by going from the trailhead to the current ... Read more

Devon Ravine Trails

Meet at Trailhead Box 131, Station Main, Edmonton, AB, Canada

This is a nice 10km hike through Devon & every time we seem to do a hike there the trail has been improved. The pictures from January 22nd, 2023.We will start from the parking lot just outside the Lion's Campground, going through the ravine, city trails & taking a few city streets (mostly Erie St. ... Read more

Board Meeting – January 2024

Zoom Web Meeting

Note: since we are not having a December board meeting we'll hold the January meeting a week early (2nd Thursday of the month) & in February the 3rd Thursday is early in the month (the 15th) we'll be back to the normal schedule in February. Members are always welcome to attend our board meetings. Find ... Read more