Trail Clearing: South Miquelon – A84 towards D

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Stoney Creek

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

We will be meeting at the trailhead at "A67" on Range Road 205/Township Road 461, just east of the railroad track (Note: be careful when coming from Hwy 13, as the sign for RR205 on the south side of the road is correct but due to road line corrections on the north side it is ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Middle Battle River – A61 (Fidler’s Monument) to A59E

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Board Meeting – July 2025

Zoom Web Meeting

Members are always welcome to attend our board meetings. Find out what’s going on behind the scenes as we talk about and plan our trail maintenance, hiking events, and everything else we do to help our members get the most of their involvement and to keep our the trail and the association thriving. If you ... Read more

South Miquelon (A84 towards ‘D’)

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

The Miquelon Lake is another one of those interesting trails in the Miquelon/Ministik area that had once all been underwater, resulting in pockets of trees on some higher ground (had been islands) and alley ways (where the water was). "Ministik" means island in Nehiyawewin (Cree). We tend to follow the 'blue' route around the edge ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Cloverlawn (A39 towards Stan’s Bench/A38 & Mud Lake)

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Middle Battle River (A61 to A59E)

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

A hike of varied terrain combining a section that we don't frequently hike ('Fidler Monument' to A60) combined with the initial section of another one we used to do quite often (A60 to A59E is the first part of the Schnee Hill hike). We will start at A61-'Fidler Monument' at RR215A/Twp 461A (take Range Road ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Battle River (Duhamel Campground to Fidlers Monument)

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Cloverlawn (A39 towards Stan’s Bench/A38 & Mud Lake)

Meet at Trailhead - We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.

The "Cloverlawn" hike a modification of 3 favourites (Stan's Bench, Source of the Blackmud & Coal Lake North End) to accommodate a lost section of the trail along Mud Lake (as we can no longer get all the way to "Mix Stopover"). We'll meet at the trail head "A39" (on Township Road 483A) at 9:45 ... Read more

Trail Clearing: North Coal Lake A40 to A39+ (“B”)

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more