Trail Clearing: Garage Day at Bulldog & Helen W’s Garage

Our equipment storage facility is at Bulldog Self Storage - East (6805 - 82 Avenue) but we can't do any of the equipment work there. Helen W lives nearby so has offered her garage as a place for a spring maintenance day.  We would bring all the machines here for changing oil. Also, we could ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Kopp Lake

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Middle Coal Lake – A45/Kjorlien Corner to Point Cooperation

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Middle Coal Lake – A43 to Point Cooperation

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Trail Clearing: South Coal Lake – A45/Kjorlien Corner to Pumping Station

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Trail Clearing: South Miquelon – A84 towards D

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Middle Battle River – A61 (Fidler’s Monument) to A59E

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Cloverlawn (A39 towards Stan’s Bench/A38 & Mud Lake)

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Battle River (Duhamel Campground to Fidlers Monument)

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out. If you plan to attend contact Helen W. ( so she can provide you with the workplan details and directions to the trailhead. Please bring your lunch, water, wear older clothes and be prepared for hiking. Note: The trail maintenance crew are ... Read more