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Gwynne Section

May 4 @ 9:45 am 3:00 pm MDT

The huge valley starting at Gwynne and containing the Battle River as it flows eastward across Alberta, was created in a few days. At the end of the last ice age, glacier water trapped by ice formed huge Lake Edmonton. The water finally broke through the ice at Gwynne and the whole lake emptied, creating the magnificent valley we will overlook. The pictures from September 29th, 2024.

The hike will leave from A57 on Highway 822 at about 10:00 a.m.. Participants should proceed there directly on their own, but should check the website prior to departure in case of a change.

If you are new to WTA hikes, then you should visit the Guided Hikes webpage for essential information. For further information specific to this hike, refer to The Waskahegan Trail Guide Book, pages 46-47, or contact the Hike Leader John S..

Here are the stories of previous hikes:


May 4
9:45 am – 3:00 pm MDT
Event Category:


John S.

Meet at Trailhead – We do not provide organized car pooling. However, participants are encouraged to make their own car pooling arrangements.