Battle River (A60) to Schnee Hill
October 19 @ 9:45 am – 3:00 pm MDT
This hike of 10.4 km is along the stunning Battle River. This huge river valley was created at the end of the last ice age when the melt water that created Lake Edmonton broke through the ice and drained the huge lake in just a few days. The pictures from October 6th, 2019.
We’ll be starting from the “A60” at about 10 a.m. From Highway 13 take the ‘South Bittern Lake Road’ for 5½km – “A60” is ~300m after crossing bridge just before turn going back uphill. Please park before the row of trees, ~200m from the bridge (without blocking the farm road) to allow vehicles to make it through the turn safely.
If you are new to WTA hikes, then you should visit the Guided Hikes webpage for essential information. For further information specific to this hike, refer to The Waskahegan Trail Guide Book, pages 48-49, or contact the Hike Leader, Terry E..
Here are the write-ups from previous hikes on this section: