The day before the hike we were treated to a new fresh snowfall—one last blanket (we hope) that would prolong the season for lovers of winter recreation.
Eight people came out to hike the Wanisan Trail. Immediately we saw that we would be sharing the trail into Blackfoot with cross country skiers. It was an especially good day as the sky was clear and the new snow was still dry.

Stepping carefully alongside the tracks the skiers had been since early in the morning, we paused to admire the Wanisan shelter.
Walking on the boardwalks alongside the beaver dams, we thought about how much effort goes into maintaining these structures in the trail maintenance season, and how valuable it is in supporting activities all year round.

Once we reached Blackfoot Recreation Area, it was just a short distance to Meadow Shelter where we had our lunch.
Although we heard a lot of bird calls on this day, no animals were seen except for the chickadees at the Meadow Shelter bird feeder.

Thanks to John S. for scouting and leading the hike. You can find more photos on Flickr.