River Loop Hike on a Snowy Day

Eight people came out on a snowy day in late March for a hike on the river valley trails. We started from the Forest Heights park at the top of the river valley in blowing snow, but as soon as we reached the trees, all was calm.

The path east along the river was wide and yet sheltered. We saw many fatbikes on the trails criss-crossing and branching off from the main path.

After crossing at the Capilano Bridge, the new Tawatinaw Bridge came into view. This bridge carries the LRT on top and has a footbridge below.

After lunch, we took the Tawatinaw Bridge back to the south side. Here is a sample of the marvelous artwork on the ceiling.

Thanks to Lorna for scouting and leading the hike. You can find more photos on Flickr.

Where we’re hiking next

Frosty Hike on the Laurier-Hawrelak-Whitemud Trails

Nine people came out, in spite of the predicted high reaching -17 Celsius. Many weeks had passed since we had held a scheduled hike, and we were all eager to be out again in the famously friendly Waskahegan companionship.

Laurier Park has had some enhancements. Here is the new modern washroom, with an all-glass front and all-stainless surfaces. It even has a water-bottle filler.

The space feels clean and safe and it’s a decent place to warm up a little.

No doubt, the birds appreciate the feeders, such as this one in Laurier Park.

From Laurier Park we walked into Hawrelak where the Silver Skate Festival was still on. No pictures as the camera froze up. We ate our lunch outside in the open-air pavilion around a large gas fireplace that actually threw some heat on one side. But we had to go to the main building to warm up before we could go on. As we were leaving the park, we saw the blacksmith setting up for his demonstrations. On a day like this, hammering iron over a raging fire seemed like it would be a fine outdoor activity.

We walked along the south side of the river and Keillor Road to return to Whitemud Park. A mist rolled into the river valley, creating a beautiful sight.

There are not many pictures as the camera battery seized up in the severe cold. The Flickr album contains these few photos plus a some interesting ones from the scouting of the trail the week before.