Fourteen hikers came out on a gusty spring morning to hike the trail along Saunders Lake. The trail was dry and the lake was free of ice. The warm winds have already cleared away any moisture left from winter.

The highlight of the day was the animal sightings. From our lunch spot up on a slope, we saw a large coyote bounding along below. As soon as we came into his sight, he took off like a shot. In clear view, we watched him run the distance along the lake to the edge of the forest.
We also that the eagle is back. He soared across the lake and landed at the usual nesting spot. Then he flew back to our side, soaring almost directly over our heads.
Also on the trail we saw some bright clean bones scattered around. These are possibly from a deer.

Thanks to Lee for scouting and leading the hike and thanks to the landowners for their continuing support. You can find more photos on Flickr.