Twenty three people came out to Wanisan Stopover for the annual fall members’ hike and social. The hikers started the morning with a short hike, jointly led by Johanna and Sherry. On the way back, one group took the blue trail while the other took the yellow trail.

Meanwhile, at the stopover, Scotty built a crackling campfire. It was a delight for the few who stayed behind.
Close to lunch time, Lee and JoAnne rolled in with a dolly packed with food—two pots of hot chili, courtesy of Anita, a large bin of JoAnne’s cornmeal muffins, and marshmallows.
The hikers returned, appetites sharpened. We gathered around the fire and had our lunch. It was a great time to catch up with fellow members, especially those who don’t hike regularly, or don’t hike at all.
Thanks to Scotty for building and stoking the campfire, for Sherry and Johanna for leading the hike, to Anita for the spectacular chili, and to Lee for scouting and bringing in the firewood earlier in the week. You can see all the photos on Flickr.