Twelve people came out to hike Edmonton’s River Valley from Laurier Park to Hawrelak Park. This is a traditional hike for us at this time of year, because the Silver Skate Festival is on at the same time.
We started our hike by crossing the Quesnel Bridge and walking along the right bank through Laurier Park side.

We soon came upon a rare site—a bald eagle perched high on a poplar branch, facing the river. Just once, he turned to look at us.
At Hawrelak Park, it was warm enough to have our lunch at the picnic tables outside the pavilion. Then we toured the ice sculptures, which were fascinating and innovative as always.

For the return, we decided it was too icy to take the path down along the river. Instead, we climbed the stairs up to Groat Road, and connected to Saskatchewan Drive. We walked along the top of the river valley and turned down at Keillor Road.
Thanks to Lee for scouting and leading the hike, to the Silver Skate Festival organizers for their dedication, and to the ice sculpturists for their beautiful art and imagination. You can see all the photos on Flickr.