Sunday, September 25 was the WTA Annual Membership Barbecue at Miquelon Lake Provincial Park. We were graced with summer-like weather—minus the mosquitoes!—and the beginning of leaves turning colour. As there were lots of geese and ducks still in evidence, it bodes well for continuing warm conditions.

The morning hike wound through lovely scenery: gently undulating hills and ponds (also called knob and kettle terrain) where beavers have been busy.

Several of the two dozen hikers were fortunate to catch a glimpse of a tiger salamander, a very rare sighting, given its threatened species status.
The trails here are grass-covered and as wide as a road. This allows for easy walking, as well as conversation with acquaintances new and old.
The socializing continued over lunch at the fireside and picnic tables.

After the barbecue, a few members stayed on to read, do some sketching, or go for another walk. We took full advantage of being out in the wonderful, peaceful setting.
Thanks to Anita for all the preparation she did for lunch, to Scotty for fire-tending, and to Irene for leading the hike. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day. You can see all the photos on Flickr.