Six people came out on a bright warm day to hike the Partridge Hill section of the Waskahegan Trail. This section is known for Ross Creek and its many boardwalks and bridges, some of which are maintained by the landowners themselves.
The trail along the creek is pleasantly shaded, a relief on a hot day.

Here is a view of Walker’s Pond.

A remarkable sight which you would catch only in midsummer is the deep-pink blossoms on the long swaths of swamp smartweed. These tall amphibious plants were growing along the boardwalks as well as in fields along the trail.

Thanks to John for scouting and leading the hike, to trail maintenance for clearing the trail, and to the landowners for continuing permission. As a reminder, hunting season is around the corner, so if you wish to visit this trail, go soon, because it will be closed for hunting season.
You can find more photos on Flickr.

Beautiful pictures of a lovely section of the Trail. Thanks for sharing!