Twenty-three people came out to hike the trail in Ministik Bird Sanctuary from Spilstead Road south to Currie Pasture. For this hike, we were delighted to be joined by another avid hiking group, the Red Deer Ramblers. For most of them, it was a 2 hour drive. They hike every second week, often in David Thompson Country or beyond.
We had fine weather the whole day. The sun sparkling on the lakes made the views exceptionally interesting.

This was a hike we hadn’t done since 2016, so for almost everyone, it was a new event. We observed the rows of caragana trees while we were still in the sanctuary, evidence of an old homestead. Of course, we spent a lot of time at the old Marsh Mitchell cabin.

Another sign of homesteading is this simple mailbox–a can nailed to a tree.
Next to the trail we found a nearly-intact deer skeleton, and next to it were pieces of hide in “winter coat” (i.e. thick and heavy) condition.
The flowers are just taking off. We saw early blue violets, Canada violets, saskatoons and chokecherries in bloom, and one bluebell.

Lunch was on the slope of the hill in Currie Pasture, overlooking the lake.
Thanks to Helen and Johanna for scouting and leading the hike, to our fellow hikers, Red Deer Ramblers, for coming out with us, to Trail Maintenance for the fine work, and to the landowners for their permissions. You can see all the photos on Flickr.