Last week, 22 members came out for our annual late spring hike and barbecue at Wanisan Stopover. We started with a hike on the Waskahegan Trail past the beaver dams and almost up to the ungulate fence at the border of Blackfoot Recreation Area.

Coming back, we explored the blue trail all the way to its end point at the shore of Wanisan lake. This point gives you a totally different view of the lake—one that you can’t get from any other part of the trail.

The blue trail, which is marked by blue diamonds, is a short deviation that we often pass by—perhaps because we’re usually headed to a longer hike in the park. But it’s definitely worth taking, and we’re glad that Trail Maintenance keeps it in such good shape.

While we were hiking and exploring, Scott stayed at the stopover to start and tend to the fire. By the time we were back, the fire-pit was full of glowing embers, optimally ready for our roasting sticks.
Thanks to Lee for scouting and leading the hike, to Scott for the fire, and to Trail Maintenance for the fine work on keeping the shelter and the trails in great shape. You can see all the photos on Flickr.