Sixteen people came out to hike the trail from the north end of Saunders Lake going south. Under a sunny sky, the wind was relentless—bending every tree, flower, and blade of grass. It created whitecaps on the lake.
Nevertheless, the sun shone brightly the whole way and there was a complete absence of mosquitos.

The highbush cranberries are abundant and ripening quickly. The hawthorn bushes, probably planted as a windbreak decades ago, are loaded with berries too. It must have been an amazing sight when the bushes were blooming in the spring.
High bush cranberries Common goat’s-beard Hawthorn
We had our lunch in a grassy dip away from the lake, sunny and mostly protected from the wind.
Thanks to Stella for scouting and leading the hike and to Trail Maintenance for clearing the trail. You can find more photos on Flickr.