The sky was still hazy from the smoke of the forest fires that were raging in Northern Alberta. Nevertheless, fifteen people came out to enjoy our third annual Wanisan Lake Saturday Night.
End-of-day hikes are always special—you are bound to see something unusual. And there it was—as we walked up the path to the Wanisan Stopover, we saw large beetles everywhere scurrying for cover under the leaf litter. We even saw a robin’s egg shell.
After we dropped our lawn chairs and food at the stopover, we ventured out for our hike over the boardwalks and into the Blackfoot Recreation Area. Walking up and down hills for 5 km, we worked up quite an appetite by the time we got back to the Stopover.
We didn’t think that we would be able to have a campfire, but it turned out there was no ban here. Thanks to the Trail Maintenance work party who chopped the wood, and to Svetlana who carefully tended the fire, we were able to roast our dinners the old-fashioned way, and have roasted marshmallows for dessert.
Eventually the sky cleared.
Thanks to Lee for scouting and leading the hike. You can find more pictures on Flickr.