Miquelon Provincial Park A85 to D/E

Century Park (Section I, near 109 St Entrance/Exit) 2515 111 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Miquelon Provincial Park has hiking and skiing trails that we rarely get around to visiting, so we'll try again in the summer. The pictures from November 18th, 2018. In Edmonton we will meet at the Century Park ‘Park & Ride’ ('Free Parking' Section I, near the 109th Street Entrance/Exit) and carpool leaving at 9 a.m. ... Read more

Saunders Lake (A33 to A30)

Century Park (Section I, near 109 St Entrance/Exit) 2515 111 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Each Spring, the shore of Saunders Lake is the first part of the Waskahegan Trail to be free of snow. This hike, 9.8 km round trip, follows the shoreline, giving views of early waterbirds and red tailed hawks. Lots of sun too, so bring a hat. The hike will leave from the parking area across ... Read more

Wanisan Lake – Saturday night (starts at 5 pm)

Century Park (Section I, near 109 St Entrance/Exit) 2515 111 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Wanisan Evening hike with a picnic at the end at the Wanisan stopover. Bring your "campfire" supper (ready-to-eat dinner or wieners and buns to grill on the table-top barbecue), beverage, lawn chair and flashlight or headlamp for our evening walk. We'll provide the condiments and dessert. The hike will be about 7 km, in the ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Coal Lake A43-A45

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out.Ellen H will be coordinating the crew - call 780 433 3856 or email ehomola@hotmail.com to say you are coming. If you decide last minute just show up at McDonalds (82 Ave & 75 St. we leave a 9am).Please bring your lunch, water, ... Read more

Coal Lake A43 to A45, via Point Cooperation (1-way)

Century Park (Section I, near 109 St Entrance/Exit) 2515 111 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

This is a somewhat "long-lost" section that hasn't been hiked in several years and we had it preped for 2 hike for back-to-back weekends last October but due to the early snow we had to make a change. So rather than 2 hikes from opposite ends with lunch at Point Cooperation we'll do a straight ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Mix Cloverlawn A39-A38

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out.Sherry K will be coordinating the crew - call 780 455 6451 or email magically@shaw.ca to say you are coming. If you decide last minute just show up at McDonalds (82 Ave & 75 St. we leave a 9am).Please bring your lunch, water, ... Read more

Trail Clearing: Kopp Lake A35-A34

Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out.Ellen H will be coordinating the crew - call 780 433 3856 or email ehomola@hotmail.com to say you are coming. If you decide last minute just show up at McDonalds (82 Ave & 75 St. we leave a 9am).Please bring your lunch, water, ... Read more

Kopp Lake (A35 to A34) (“Smell the Roses”)

Century Park (Section I, near 109 St Entrance/Exit) 2515 111 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Strawberries ! The pictures from August 5th, 2018. In Edmonton we will meet at the Century Park Park & Ride ('Free Parking' Section I, near the 109th Street Entrance/Exit) and carpool leaving at 9:00a.m. If you would like to meet at the trail head at "A35" (at the fork in the road for Township Road ... Read more

CANCELED – Trail Clearing: Trappers Lake A104-Elk Island Park

Due to the rain forecast for the evening of June 18th & morning of June 19th, trail maintenance for will now be June 26th rather than June 19th. Maintenance always depends on the weather; so check the website before coming out.Ellen H will be coordinating the crew - call 780 433 3856 or email ehomola@hotmail.com ... Read more

Board Meeting

Members are always welcome to attend our board meetings. Find out what’s going on behind the scenes as we talk about and plan our trail maintenance, hiking events, and everything else we do to help our members get the most of their involvement and to keep our the trail and the association thriving. Please call ... Read more