North Miquelon Boardwalk, Beavers, and Blooms

Our first hike in the country this year, and talk about May flowers! It was the perfect day to see blossoms on our native fruit trees and the woodland plants and shrubs.

Here is the list of what the twelve of us saw in bloom today:

early blue violet (see right)early blue violet
wood violet
fairy bell
saskatoon (see above)
pin cherry
red currant
black currant
goose berry
dew berry
bracted honeysuckle
low bush cranberry

We also saw a white tailed deer and a frog.

North Miquelon Boardwalk

Here we are on the smart new boardwalk that the trail maintenance team installed last week. The heap of boards at the bottom left is the old walk.





Poplar tree, a beaver's work-in-progress

As you know the beavers are very active in this area. This tree will not be standing upright for much longer. Here you see only the base of a really tall poplar tree. We did not linger for long.

1 thought on “North Miquelon Boardwalk, Beavers, and Blooms”

  1. Thank you JoAnne, for your delightful report re: yesterday’s North Miquelon Hike. The new Waskahegen web site is very well constructed, engaging and user friendly. It allows everyone to receive up-to-date, relevant information on opportunities for trail-maintenance and fantastic hikes–all within one hour of Edmonton!

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